Julia and Joe’s Rustic Wedding was truly special to me. I’ve known Joe for close to five years. His family lives across the street from us. He was the first person to greet us when we moved in. Offered to help us unload our truck. I was shocked and truly proud of this young man. He was still a teen but he had more of a work ethic than most grown men. He’s proven that each day since. I don’t think I’ve met a young man with such motivation. I’m so proud of him.
All the Fun
Joe and Julia stayed true to who they are and kept things pretty simple. Small touches of red scattered through out the venue at Church Lake Farms in Odessa Florida. Julia wore a dress handmade by Joe’s grandmother. She rocked the sparkly boots and kept her accessories to a necklace that hold sentimental meaning. The necklace is an heirloom worn by generations of Nielsons. It belonged to Joe’s great-great-great grandma and was worn by his grandmother at her wedding and Joe’s mother wore it at hers. Joe and his groomsmen kept things casual in jeans and vest. He also kept the senitmintal trend going by having his wedding band be his grandpas. Truly special!!!!

Angel in Heaven
The Nielson family suffered a great loss shortly before Joe and Julia’s wedding. We all hoped and prayed that grandpa would make it to see Joe and Julia get married but he was called home. I know that he was looking down at you both and he was proud of you both. I hope that you find comfort in knowing that he will forever be with you in your thoughts and in your heart.

Joe and Julia, I wish you nothing but the best as you start your life together as husband and wife. I can’t wait to watch your family grow and look forward to celebrating with you at each milestone. Thank you for letting me a small part of your rustic wedding. I’ll forever be thankful.
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February 22, 2022
The pictures are absolutely beautiful. It was a beautiful wedding I’m so happy I got to attend.